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Urban Edge is a platform where we get all the information of HBCU's hbculeaguepass, hbcupost, hbcufanzone and hbcustreams are main parts of Urban Edge Netwoks


Historically Black Colleges and Universities

Enjoy football classics, basketball tournaments, and other HBCU championships. SIGN UP now to unlock these features and more on the only streaming service that delivers the most HBCU sporting events, games, and teams in the U.S.A.


We do what we love, Our clients love what we do

“We do what we love. Our clients love what we do” Some of the most loyal and passionate fans in the world are HBCU fans. Connect with HBCU players and their fans

Endless Entertainment With HBCU TV

HBCU-TV is filled with education, entertainment, live sports, and live events
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